Turbo Touch!

Throughout this term Room 8 has had some sport sessions with a few guys from Counties Manukau sport. We have learnt some soccer skills and different ways to pass a rugby ball. We also learnt how to play turbo touch. Whaea Ata even joined in with us, but nobody took photos.


  1. Hi Room 8

    So many opportunities at Clendon Park School. it is great to see you all participating and it looks like a lot of fun. I wish there was a photo of Whaea Ata joining in , I have heard she is a very good 'shooter'

  2. Turbo Touch is a very cool game - looks like you had lots of fun, Room 8! :)

  3. WOW
    WHAEA Ata
    your class is cool

  4. Turbo touch is a really fun game to play

    Isabel RM13
